Monday, April 20, 2009

IBM Cognos8.4 PowerPlay Studio

We have heard from Cognos that Analysis Studio was designed as a data exploration tool and it was never a replacement for PowerPlay Studio. IBM Cognos has finally released the much awaited PowerPlay interface in Cognos 8.4.

Well, it is some gratification to have this interface but it is not all that PowerPlay client is. This new studio gives you the exact same interface of PowerPlay web reports. For those few sitting on the fence thinking about the switch from Series 7 to Cognos 8 have one more good reason to join the Cognos 8 club.

Here you go…see the new PowerPlay Studio for yourself.

Don’t’ believe me? Well then look at this picture

Think it is a picture from PowerPlay web reports and not Cognos 8.4?

Why do some of us like PowerPlay studio over Analysis studio? Here are some reasons we couldn’t live without.

1. We can hide columns in PowerPlay rather than having to zero suppress in Analysis Studio.

2. The various zero suppression options

3. Not to mention Custom exception highlighting
4. We can actually print reports with title, dimension line filter and other variables.