Monday, September 21, 2009

Migration Step by Step tasks

This is a tentative migration road map. All durations and sub tasks are estimates, more duration is required for Planning. All assumption are based on WINDOWS machines.

Activity Sub task Duration Res
Sandbox migration
Install series 7 1 day 1
Instal Cognos8 1 day 1
Configure LDAP/Access Manager 1 day 1
Import Sample Catalogs and Reports 0.5 day 1
Import Impromtu reports 0.5 day 1
Import Sample Cubes and reports 0.5 day 1
Migrate Catalog, IMPCAT2XML 0.5 day 1
Copy Unsecured cubes 0.25 days 1
Copy Secured Cubes 0.25 days 1
Publish a cube as a package 0.25 days 1
Create data source connection for catalog and cubes 0.25 days 1
Test them to see if they work 1 day 1
Use Migrate to C8 to migrate impromptu and PP reports 1 day 1
Use Deploment Manager to create a dmp file of web content such as newsboxes 1 day 1
Manually deploy reports to CC 1 day 1
Test your reports/open with AS/RS 1 day 1
11 days 1
Actual Migration 1
Pre Clean the environment 1
Remove broken url's 0.5 days 1
Remove unwanted reports 1 day 1
Identify secured and unsecured cubes 1 day 1
Create administrator as the owner for all catalogs and cubes 1 day 1
Identify any image files 0.5 days 1
4 days 1
Organize your source 1
Create a folder for Catalogs 0.25 days 1
Create a folder for Cubes 0.25 days 1
Create a folder for Impromptu reports 0.25 days 1
Use a deployment manager to create dmp files for web content 0.5 days 1
Create a folder for PPX reports 0.25 days 1
1.5 days 1
step by step Migration 1
CATALOG Migration 1
Migrate Catalogs using Impcat2 XML 1 day
Publish FM packages with Datasource connection 1 day 1
Test your migration extensively 3 days 1
5 days 1
CUBE and MDL Migration 1
FTP your MDL and Cubes 1 day
Edit the COGNOS.INI file for datasource connection 0.5 day 1
OPEN MDL in newer version of Transformer and save 1 day 1
Publish cubes using Transformer/FM 2 days 1
Create data source connections for cubes 1 day 1
Test your Cubes 2 days 1
6.5 days 1
Migrate to C8 1
Open CMD window 0.25 ays 1
Browse to the location 0.25 days 1
Type MigratetoC8 <source> <target> 0.25 days 1
Look at the target directories 1 day 1
Repeat the above 4 steps for various folders(IWR,IMR,PPX,DMP etc) 1 day 1
2.75 days 1
DeployToC8 1
Two Option-Manual or auto
Copy the .zip directory from target location to c8 deploment location 0.5 days 1
Check Migration service is on C8 ( defauly is always on) 0.5 day 1
Import the deployment file 0.25 days 1
Test your reports 2 days 1
AUTO(optionl) 1
Browse to location c8/deplotC8 0.25 days 1
Type DeploytoC8 <source><target> 1 day 1
Test your reports 2 days 1
5.75 days 1
Post Migration Tasks 1
Replace IQD's with package/report source 7 days 1
Disable/Interoperate series 7 and Cognos8 5 days 1
Recreate broken reports 10 days 1
22 days 1
Total duration (approx) 60 days 1